About Environmental-Benefits

Our Automated Grow Systems are designed and built to custom specifications for growing herbs, fodder or vegetables. This fully automatic system, driven by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) manages all of the water and nutrient supply, lighting, temperature, and relative humidity. It also provides for automated feeding and harvesting with rapid conveyors direct to your truck or robotic feed wagons. The framework and trays are fabricated of stainless steel for years of reliable, rust free service. The air movement system is designed specifically for AGS to provide the proper temperature, humidity and air movement necessary to prevent mold and improve plant production. A Vortex Brewing System is designed to provide the highest quality energized natural nutrient supply enabling your unit to produce the highest quality nutrient dense feed or food supply. Units can be designed from hundreds of pounds per day to thousands of of pounds per day. Design capabilities range from semi automatic to robotic production. An option of extreme importance to you the customer or consumer the products produced by AGS can be grown in a natural anti bacterial, anti microbial environment. Include is the ability to package your product in the same environment to assure a contamination feel product. Your produce will be grown from pre-germination, all the way to harvest, with programmable controlled grow cycles utilizing the most recent technology in LED grow light photosynthesis of blue light, red light, cool and warm light and even darkness. The system can even send you a text with updates, harvest dates and allow you to change to light settings if necessary or alert you if there is a problem. Custom fabrication presently has a lead time of approximately 10 weeks.

- For additional information concerning sizes, capacities and prices please call 1-888-796-0055.

Built by His Kingdom Design · © Environmental- Benefits, LLC 2022